Study of different outcomes and their predictive factors of trans-arterial che-moembolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Document Type : Original Article


1 tropical medicine

2 Department of Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology, Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine,

3 Department of Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology, Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine

4 Department of Radiodiagnosis, Assiut University, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.


Background& aim: Many staging systems were created to categorize patients with hepa-tocellular carcinoma, but none were created, especially to forecast treatment outcomes. The current study evaluated scores for hepatic decompensation prediction following TACE.
Patients& methods: Transarterial chemoembolization was performed on 100 patients with hepatocellular cancer for the study. All patients go through a complete clinical eval-uation and history taking. Imaging investigations and baseline and follow-up laboratory data were performed on each patient. IRBno:17101151.
Results: Most patients were men in their sixth decade of life. It was discovered that 22% and 78% of patients, respectively, had received non-objective and objective responses. With low-risk ART and a HAP class of C or lower, most patients who experienced an objective response were female. In contrast, according to multivariate regression analysis, the low-risk ART score and HAP score > C were predictors of non-objective response.
Conclusion: Various prognostic ratings could be applied to predict hepatic decompensa-tion in TACE patients. Trans arterial chemoembolization was performed on hepatocellu-lar cancer follow-up patients to determine response and post-trans arterial chemoemboli-zation syndrome. Such findings should be confirmed by multicenter trials involving large numbers of patients.
